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PRESS COVERAGE 2010 - 2023

Press coverage from 2000 - 2009 is available here


Press coverage from 1991-1999 is available on request

February 6th 2023

I recorded a podcast with the lovely folks at The98%Pod in December 2022.


It was released today!


"Helen has been fighting against misconduct towards, and abuse of, actors since she was a child. As a youngster it lead to disdain and even arrest! As an adult it’s lead to blacklisting, sacrifices and incredible pushback. Hear her story now"








All episodes in this mini-series special:

S5E1 - From Learning To Earning, A Story Of Mistreatment In The Acting Industry - GUEST: KATIE GIBSON

S5E2 - From Learning To Earning, A Story Of Mistreatment In The Acting Industry - GUEST: MANY VICTIMS

S5E3 - From Learning To Earning, A Story Of Mistreatment In The Acting Industry - GUEST: HELEN RAW

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A reminder of the work...

Abuse List from Twitter.jpeg

April 2020:

I was interviewed by Matt at The Stage regarding an agent who posted a fake paid casting as an April Fool for her clients during the COVID-19 Lockdown.


The link is here

The PDF is here

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Mar 2020:

I was interviewed by Susan Elkin for her blog about all things British Actors Network.​  


The link is here

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Feb 2020:

I was interviewed by Amy at The Irrelevant Actor Podcast about all things British Actors Network and standing up to bullies & arseholes.


The full podcast link is here


Dec 2019 - Jan 2020:

I was interviewed and asked questions by Founding Members and supporters of the British Actors Network I'm trying to pull together: | @BritishActorNet


Full podcast links: 


Episode 1: 30th Dec 2019 - with Jan van der Black & Helen Raw

Episode 2: 6th Jan 2020 - with Olga Leon & Helen Raw

Episode 3: 13th Jan 2020 - with Catherine Stobbs & Helen Raw

Episode 4: 1st March 2020 - with Simon Jay & Helen Raw

Episode 5: 7th March 2020 - with Sally Hyde-Lomax & Helen Raw

Episode 6: 13th March 2020 - with John Byrne & Helen Raw

Jan 2020:

I was interviewed by BBC Radio 4's Front Row programme as a follow up to The Stage article about Spotlight's discriminatory eligibility criteria.


Interview at approx 11:50.


The full programme link is here

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I was interviewed by The Stage for their article on Spotlight's discriminatory eligibility criteria.


The link is here


I went viral in August for flagging a horrendous casting sexualising children, here are some press links after my tweet hit over 1.2 million views:


Daily Mail

The Independent

The Telegraph


Ekstra Bladet

Sky News


New York Post


The Stage

The Sun

Business Insider

The Daily Telegraph

PR Week

The Drum

The Inquisitor

B&T Australia

Gala, Germany


I want it noted that the CD was thrown under the bus here. We don't see eye to eye on many things, however, Mondelez implied she went rogue - she didn't, I've seen the actual casting that was sent to all child agents and the wording is exactly what was reported. I contacted Mondelez for comment and they ignored me. I tweeted screenshots of what they sent to agents and *tumbleweed*

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The Stage Scams.jpg


I was interviewed by The Stage for their article on acting industry scams as I've shut down a few and reported others to the police for inappropriate audition requests.


The link is here

The PDF is here


In January 2017 I was brought in as Festival Producer/Logistics for XpoNorth.

Over 120 speakers, 2,500 attendees, a live training TV station, a short film festival, and new bands playing to industry producers.


More info links below:

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As a 4th year BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychobiology student (graduated in July 2016), I was selected to be one of 12 to work as a researcher on an ongoing murder enquiry, Operation Monton, working with Police Scotland and Norfolk Constabulary.


You can see all the press coverage on my Forensic Psychobiology site.


The lovely folks at Northern Star Acting found my acting page screenshot on a Facebook group and wrote a lovely wee blog about actors not being robots :-)


I was interviewed by the lovely folks at                                 for an internet bullying piece following the airing, on Channel 4, of the excellent and unnerving 'Cyberbully'.

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I outed a scam agency and was interviewed by The Stage about it - I am the actor/producer mentioned in the article. I chose not be named purely because The Stage couldn't confirm in what context my quotes would be used. Now I've read the article, I'm happy putting my name to it and will continue to try and help stamp out exploitative practices in our industry.


The PDF is here

Brilliantly negative* Daily Fail (aka The Daily Mail) article on divorce parties and divorce cakes


*Before agreeing to the article, I was told it would be a light hearted take on divorce cakes! Aye right. Should've known better.


I was interviewed for a Modern Studies Book that has been circulated to all High Schools in Scotland. I was asked about my Trade Union experience as I founded a branch of Equity (performer's union) in 2008 (was an elected Secretary/Deputy Moderator until I resigned in 2021).


I was interviewed for the Equity Review of The Year in 2011 for my work in the East of Scotland branch that I founded in 2008 and launched, with a full committee, in 2009. I have been re-elected as Secretary every year since

(update: elected to online branch 2016 - 2021).


I was interviewed by Frank Huzur for Pak Tea House in India about my various projects. Frank is the author of the Imran Khan biography, as well as other publications and novels.


I was interviewed by Edinburgh Spotlight about my work with The Raw Talent Company and the currently dormant Actors Centre Scotland project. I also spoke to them about my role as Artistic Director for The New Victoria, a project that aimed to raise £millions to save the Old Odeon in Edinburgh's South Side.

2010 - 2012:

I was interviewed by various publications and news programmes about my role as Artistic Director for The New Victoria, a project that aimed to raise £millions to save the Old Odeon in Edinburgh's South Side. Our bid was rejected by the owners.


I was interviewed by The Scottish Sun for their divorce parties article. This coverage garnered interest from the National press and I was featured in That's Life and The News of the World.  I have actually received requests to organise divorce parties for others - perhaps a new income stream?

The Scottish Sun

That's Life, National Magazine

The News of the World (disgraced paper)

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