PRESS COVERAGE 2000 - 2009
Press coverage from 2010 - 2023 is available here​​
Press from 1991-1999 is available on request
I was invited on to Leith FM Radio as a special guest to talk about acting, my company, Equity and the Actors Centre Scotland. You can listen to the interview here - put the kettle on cos it's over an hour long. It is full of Yoda like wisdom though (that is true, cos Mama Raw says so).
Blurb from the Leith FM/Noise Up Show website:
"What will you learn listening to the show?
Where to go if you want to train in acting
The difference between agents and casting directors
How Equity works (chainsaw jugglers pay special attention!)
Where Detective Shaft goes for his holidays
Why I am a very courageous man (Check out the youtube link in the acting category box alongside this message)
The inside story on Glen Michael of cavalcade fame
Massive thanks to Helen for coming in and generously allowing me time in her frighteningly busy schedule.
(For copyright reasons all music has been removed from the audio)"
Direct audio link:

The Scottish Sun & Daily Record
I was interviewed by The Sun and The Daily Record about my thoughts on copyright theft.

The Scottish Sun & Daily Record
I was interviewed by The Sun and The Daily Record about my thoughts on copyright theft.

I was interviewed by The Dunfermline Press on the set up of my actor training company (now called The Raw Talent Company)

I was interviewed by The Sunday Post as they found out I was doing the 'Loony Dook' to raise money for charity the day after I got married. Please know that the dress pictured is from a charity shop and not the one I got married in. I just needed to make that clear. Puffball sleeves are not my thing.
After The Sunday Post article, various other nationals got in touch and we were featured on New Year's Day after we had 'Loony Dooked'. It's nice to know you're interesting enough to the press when you're not actually 'in' something. Obviously, as you've seen above, the marriage fell apart and I had a nervous meltdown but hey, press is press :-)

The Dunfermline Press interviewed me as part of their 'on the spot' feature. Obviously, they used an exceptionally old headshot but hey, press is press.

I was interviewed by the local press in Fife and Edinburgh about the Big Band Charity Concert I was producing and headlining before heading to LA to undertake further acting training.

News of my impending acting training in LA. I started at the Actors Studio in LA and stayed for a bit longer training with personal coaches after the course.

This kicked off the first of my residencies at the Tiffany Bar inside Carnegie Hall. The dates both filled and it was the start of some regular dates and as well as a Streisand show, I created 'An Evening of Eva Cassidy' and 'An Evening of The Carpenters'. I finished this residency to sing and entertain on cruise ships for 3 years.