Published Papers / Commissioned Work / Projects:
Armed Forces / Military / Academic
Learning digital skills online: empowering older adults through one-to-one, online digital training provision
Exploring and Evaluating the War Widows InTouch Programme*
Does Breastfeeding Boost IQ?: A Critical Review of Observational Studies
Forensics & Science
Forensic Science and CSI Skills Workshops for schools across the UK for British Science Week
Resources for the Scottish Government's UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child Campaign: "A Right Blether"​
* Nominated for Soldiering On Awards 2023 in the 'Training & Education' category for my work on this project *
Learning digital skills online: empowering older adults through one-to-one, online digital training provision
Introduction: Digital exclusion, through lack of access and poor digital skills, can have an adverse impact on daily living. Not only did the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impact the necessity of technology in our daily lives, but also reduced the availability of digital skills programmes. This study aimed to explore perceived facilitators and barriers of a digital skills programme that was delivered remotely (online) and to reflect on this form of training as a possible alternative to traditional face-to-face models.
Methods: Individual interviews were carried out with programme participants and the programme instructor.
Results: Two themes were generated from this data: (a) Creating a unique learning environment; and (b) Encouraging further learning.
Discussion: Barriers to digital delivery were evident, however, the individual and personalized delivery empowered participants within their own learning, supporting individuals to learn skills relevant to them and to continue their digital learning journey.
Exploring and Evaluating the War Widows InTouch Programme
Digital technology is one method to facilitate social connection. Social interaction being considered as one of the central motivations for older adults being online. The programme provided members of the War Widows’ Association (WWA) with the tools to empower individuals digitally, and to support the development of new skills to connect with others online. The WW.it project aimed to connect members of the WWA across the UK, as well as improve their digital access, digital confidence, and digital skills.
This study was carried out independently, aiming to explore and evaluate the implementation and running of the WW.it programme. This study aimed to examine the perceived impact of the intervention(s) from the perspective of participants and the instructor, reflect on the perceived facilitators and barriers to implementing the intervention(s), and map perceived changes to social isolation, loneliness, and well-being.
Full Reference
Northumbria University Newcastle, 2022. Exploring and Evaluating the War Widows InTouch Programme. Report prepared for The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust.
Amy Johnson, Mary Moreland, G. Wilson-Menzfeld, Jessica Gates, Helen Raw
I wrote an article for the 50th Anniversary one-off edition of 'Cooking Memories: Cookbook' for the War Widows' Association. I am not a cook, I can burn salad so I have no recipes, my article is more 'I cooked something for my family, had a bit of a breakdown before/during/after but we all survived'.
Click the image to read my article. You can buy the full book on request.
Forensics & Crime Scene Workshops - British Science Week
I was commissioned to write the Forensics & Crime Scene Workshop Programme for British Science Week. The programme was used for 2 years and then the pandemic hit...
If you'd like me to write a forensic/CSI workshop for your group or school, please get in touch.
Does Breastfeeding Boost IQ? A Critical Review of Observational Studies
As part of the neuroscience module during 3rd year of my Forensic Psychobiology Degree, I wrote an A+ paper which was submitted to the student arm of the Psychologist Magazine. After going through the peer-review process, it was published in the September 2015 issue of psych-talk.
I graduated with Honours in July 2016.
A Right Blether Campaign: Children & Young People's Commissioners Office
In 2010, a national consultation was undertaken by the Children & Young People's Commissioner for Scotland (SSCYP at the time) and I was contracted to create 'creative extras' to complement the resulting 'a Right Blether' Campaign.
The consultation provided an opportunity for children and young people across Scotland to say what was important in their lives and to take part in a national vote. I facilitated workshops for the Commissioner's Office and, by the time the Commissioner had finished meeting children and young people across Scotland, 74,059 had voted on what they thought was important.
2022 was the 18th birthday year for the Commissioner's office and an update on their work can be found here.
The creative resources can be accessed by clicking the relevant image below:
Age 5-11
Age 11+
Best Story, Scotland-wide Schools Story Writing Competition - P6 at Camdean Primary. I wrote a short story about detective dogs and won a book about dogs, none of whom were detectives.
Best Class Essay & Speech - 1st Year at Inverkeithing High School. Wrote a paper on Jack the Ripper and presented to my class. My prize was not getting beaten up for a fortnight because they all thought I was a mulleted serial killer. My English teacher pitched up at my wedding a billion years later and told me I was still her 'class example': we had to speak for at least 3 minutes, I went on for 20 and had overhead projector acetate sheets and class handouts...
Best One Line Story - I won a 'Team Flakes' football for writing some shite on a pamphlet in Wm Lows (now Tesco). When they called me, I thought I'd won a telly. My disappointment was palpable.
Best Caption Competition - joint winner with my Dad and wee sis. Won a trolley dash around the aforementioned Wm Lows. Mum went mental with the trolley(s) after me, Dad and Cath pre-prepped trolleys at the end of each aisle for her in a non-cheating way. We had biscuits and posh potatoes for months.